Pioneering the omnichannel revolution in India, Omuni is a retail SaaS company that powers clicks to bricks for 100+ global brands across 10,000+ stores. In essence, Omuni expertizes in delivering fulfilling customer journeys across marketplaces, social and e-commerce, and offline stores.
Scope Of Project
- Employee Branding
- Recruitment Marketing
- Social Media Marketing
The Task at Hand
- To establish Omuni as a leading tech brand in the retail industry.
- To create a distinct identity for the brand from its parent company, Arvind Groups.
- To enable hiring for the brand
The Hitch
Omuni is a retail SaaS company, with its customers being large business houses. With tech talent favouring consumer-tech companies, establishing a B2B player as a favourable tech employer was quite the task. Besides creating brand awareness, the bigger challenge was to increase the hiring applications WITHOUT any media spends. But hey, who doesn’t love a good challenge? We know, we do!
The Impact
- Recieved 933 hiring applications from Sept 2021 till Jan 2022 through LinkedIn organically
- Medium – 3 tech centric and leadership blogs released over the course of the year
- Omuni’s ER is 8.80% which is above the industry average of 2%
- Follower Metrics: Omuni added 2,727 new followers in one quarter
What We Did
To overcome the challenges faced, we put our A-Game into play! And this is what it looked like:
- After assimilating the brand promise, we crafted Omuni’s EVP line – “Omnichannel retail; built by technology, driven by you”
- Devised, managed, and executed the EVP launch across Slack
- Created a series of PPT design templates in line with EVP
- Designed EVP integrated email signatures for all employees

- Created role-specific hiring posts for the tech community
- Ran mass hiring recruitment ads for generic skills

Social Media
Designed posts of internal events like CSR activities, townhalls, celebrations and workshops
Created a robust and engaging calendar that included
- Knowledge sharing posts
- Employee stories
- Leadership spotlight
- Tech centric content
- Introducing departments
- Welcoming new joiner

Our Happy Clients
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